Themenvorschläge für Abschlussarbeiten
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Weitere Inspiration finden Sie in den aufgelisteten abgeschlossenen Bachelorarbeiten oder Masterarbeiten.
Auswahl potenzieller Themen für Masterarbeiten in der Raumplanung (einschließlich der Spezialisierung auf urbane Transformation), die vom Lehrstuhl Landschaftsökologie und Landschaftsplanung betreut werden:
- Environmental Impact Assessment and/or Strategic Environmental Assessment in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- FFH impact assessment as per EU Flora – Fauna – Habitat Directive in different countries inside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- Management Plans as per EU Flora – Fauna – Habitat Directive in different countries inside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- Green Infrastructure Planning in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- Climate Change and Adaptation to Climate Change strategies and instruments in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- Ecosystem Services – methods in different climate zones and/or integration in different planning systems in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- Noise Action Planning in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- Clean Air Planning in different countries in and outside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- River Basin Management Plans as per EU Water Framework Directive in different countries inside EU (comparative study and/or evaluation)
- Erweiterung der H-Bahn in Barop - ökologische Entwicklung in Planung und Umsetzung
Kontakt: janine.bayer(at)
Themenvorschläge von Dr.-Ing. Bryce Lawrence:
- Ecosystems Flow Modelling in ArcGIS
- Stormwater Green infrastructure Flow Modelling
- Soundscape Ecology and Ecoacoustics