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Fakultät Raumplanung

Publikationen von Dr.-Ing. Bryce T. Lawrence


Haselhoff, T., Schuck, M., Lawrence, B. T., Fiebig, A., & Moebus, S. (2024): Characterizing acoustic dimensions of health-related urban greenspace. Ecological Indicators, 166, 112547.

Schuck, M, Fiebig, A., Haselhoff, T., Moebus, S., Lawrence, B. (2024): Charakterisierung akustischer Räume in der Stadt durch psychoakustische Parameter in der Langzeitperspektive. DAGA 2024 – 50. Jahrestagung für Akustik. Hannover, Germany

Jedrusiak, M.D., Harweg, T., Haselhoff, T., Lawrence, B.T., Moebus, S., & Weichert, F. (2024): Towards an interdisciplinary formalization of soundscapes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155 (4), 2549-2560. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0025543.

Lawrence, B.T. Frücht, A., Heying, D., Schröer, K., Gruehn, D. (2024): Acoustic Characterization of Potential Quiet Areas in Dortmund,Germany. Environments 2024, 11, 69. https://doi.org/10.3390/environments11040069.

Jedrusiak, M.D., Harweg, T., Haselhoff, T., Lawrence, B.T., Moebus, S., & Weichert, F. (2023): Definition-independent Formalization of Soundscapes: Towards a Formal Methodology. arXiv preprint arXiv: 2310.13404.

Lawrence, B.T. (2023): Green and blue water infrastructure modelling for urban regions. Conference proceedings for Planning in Germany and Pakistan: Responding to Challenges of Climate Change through Intercultural Dialogue. Dec. 1st - Dec. 2nd, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Lawrence, B.T., Hornberg, J., Schröer, K., Djeudeu, D., Haselhoff, T., Ahmed, S., ... & Gruehn, D. (2023): Linking ecoacoustic indices to psychoacoustic perception of the urban acoustic environment. Ecological Indicators, 155, 111023.

Haselhoff, T., Braun, T., Fiebig, A., Hornberg, J., Lawrence, B.T., Marwan, N., Moebus, S. (2023): Complex networks for analyzing the urban acoustic environment. Ecological Informatics, Volume 78, 102326, ISSN 1574-9541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102326.

Haselhoff, T., Braun, T., Fiebig, A., Lawrence, B.T. & S. Moebus (2023): The Urban Acoustic Environment as a Complex Network. Conference Paper, Forum Acusticum, September 2023, Turin, Italy.

Hemker, F., Haselhoff, T., Brunner, S., Lawrence, B.T., Ickstadt, K., Moebus, S. (2023): The Role of Traffic Volume on Sound Pressure Level Reduction before and duringCOVID-19 Lockdown Measures—A Case Study in Bochum, Germany. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 5060. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20065060.

Lawrence, B.T., Frücht, A., Sievers, L., Ammerahl, V., Boegner, M., Brockmann, C., Buran, F.,  Hartung, N.,  Heying, D., Jäkel, H., Kamermann, T., Mohr, A., Schneider, J. (2023): Quiet Areas in the Ruhr Region. Accepted as poster presentation at 2023 Urban Sound Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, April 19-21.

Haselhoff, T.; Braun, T., Hornberg, J.,  Lawrence, B.T.,  Ahmed,S.,  Gruehn, D., Moebus, S. (2022): Analysing Interlinked Frequency Dynamics of the Urban Acoustic Environment. Int.J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19,15014. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192215014.

Schmidt, P., Lawrence, B.T. (2022): Association between Land Surface Temperature and Green Volume in Bochum, Germany. Sustainability , 14, 14642. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142114642.

Haselhoff, T., Hornberg, J., Fischer, J. L., Lawrence, B.T., Ahmed, S., Gruehn, D., & Moebus, S. (2022): The acoustic environment before and during the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown in a major German city as measured by ecoacoustic indices. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152 (2), 1192-1200.

Haselhoff, T.,  Braun, T., Hornberg, J., Lawrence, B.T., Moebus, S. (2022): Die urbane akustische Umgebung durch Zeit und Raum - Eine Analyse der SALVE Studie.  Conference Paper in DAGA, March 2022. Stuttgart, DE.

Hornberg, J., Haselhoff, T., Lawrence, B., Ahmed, S., Gruehn, D. & Moebus, S. (2022): Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments - The SALVE Project. In: Nachhaltige StadtGesundheit. https://doi.org/10.11576/nsg-1077.

Haselhoff, T., Lawrence, B.T., Hornberg, J., Ahmed, S., Sutcliffe, R., Gruehn, D. & Moebus, S. (2021): The acoustic quality and health in urban environments (SALVE) project: Study design, rationale and methodology. In: Applied Acoustics 188 (2022) 108538. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108538.

Lawrence, B., Sutcliffe, R., Hornberg, J., Haselhoff, T., Ahmed, S., Moebus, S. & Gruehn, D. (2021): A widened array of metrics (WAM) approach to characterize the urban acoustic environment; a case comparison of urban mixed-use and forest. In: Applied Acoustics 185 (2022) 108387. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108387.

Lawrence, B.  (2021): The County Diagnostic: A regional environmental footprint framework for the USA and an overview of Köppen climate zone redistribution in the US Eastern Temperate Forest.  Poster presentation at Climate Bridge Conference, Rutgers University, Piscataway NJ, USA.  https://cues.rutgers.edu/climate-bridge-conference/.

Hornberg, J., Haselhoff, T., Lawrence, B.T., Fischer, J., Ahmed, S., Gruehn, D. & Moebus, S. (2021): Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on Noise Levels in Urban Areas—A pre/during Comparison of Long-Term Sound Pressure Measurements in the Ruhr Area, Germany. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (9), 4653. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094653.

Hornberg, J., Sutcliffe, R., Lawrence, B., Haselhoff, T., Ahmed, S., Gruehn, D. & Moebus, S. (2021): Health Effects of Urban Sounds beyond Noise: Systematic Review. In: Das Gesundheitswesen 83 (08/09): 732; DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1732227.

Haselhoff, T., Lawrence, B., Hornberg, J., Ahmed, S., Sutcliffe, R., Gruehn, D. & Moebus, S. (2021): The acoustic quality and health in urban environments (SALVE) project: Study design, rationale and methodology. In: medRxiv preprint. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.23.21252275.

Mirzaei, M., Lawrence, B.T. & Majd, A.M.S. (2021): Investigation on Zayandehrud Watershed Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification based on IPCC Scenarios. In: Jafari, M., Gruehn, D., Sinemillioglu, H. & Kaiser, M. [Eds.]: Planning in Germany and Iran. Responding to Challenges of Climate Change through Intercultural Dialogue. Mensch und Buch Verlag. Berlin, pp. 57-82.

Nasab, S. H., Lawrence, B.T., Mirzaei, M. & Majd, A.M.S. (2021):  Investigating the Effects of Climate Parameters Chage on Upstream Water Resources of Zayandehrud Watershed.  In: Jafari, M., Gruehn, D., Sinemillioglu, H. & Kaiser, M. [Eds.]: Planning in Germany and Iran. Responding to Challenges of Climate Change through Intercultural Dialogue. Mensch und Buch Verlag. Berlin, pp. 25-42.

Ahmadi, M., Lawrence, B.T. & Majd, A.M.S. (2021):  Comparative Climate Classification in Zayandehrud Watershed Stations with the Köppen-Geiger Method.  In: Jafari, M., Gruehn, D., Sinemillioglu, H. & Kaiser, M. [Eds.]: Planning in Germany and Iran. Responding to Challenges of Climate Change through Intercultural Dialogue. Mensch und Buch Verlag. Berlin, pp. 9-24.

Lawrence, B. (2020): The County Diagnostic: A regional environmental footprint framework for the USA. Contributions to Landscape and Environmental Planning. Springer Spektrum as part of Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28616-3.

Moebus, S., Gruehn, D., Poppen, J., Sutcliffe, R., Haselhoff, T. & Lawrence, B. (2020): Akustische Qualität und Stadtgesundheit – Mehr als nur Lärm und Stille (Acoustic quality and urban health - more than just noise and silence). In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 63, S. 997–1003. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00103-020-03184-x .

Sutcliffe, R., Lawrence, B.T., Ahmed, S., Gruehn, D. & Moebus, S. (2020): Acoustic quality and health in urban environments (SALVE) – a pilot study in the metropolitan Ruhr region, Germany. In: Cities & Health (2021) 5 (1-2): pp. 89-95. https://doi.org/10.1080/23748834.2019.1648362.

Antoniou, P. & Lawrence, B.T. (2019): Effects of traffic noise, land use types and ecotones on the distribution of resident birds in a natural reserve in the Ruhr area, Germany.  Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Aachen Germany, September 8-13, 2019. Full Paper.    

Lawrence, B.T., Ahmed, S., Sutcliffe, R., Poppen, J., Moebus, S. & Gruehn, D. (2019): A widened array of metrics (WAM) approach to characterizing urban sound environments – the example in SALVE. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics: pp. 844-851.

Lawrence, B.T., Sinemillioglu, H. & Saeed, B. (2019): Wasserverbrauch in der irakischen Region Kurdistan und Anwendung der Landschaftsplanung als Rahmen für Nachhaltigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen den Klimawande.  Dortmunder Konferenz 2020 Book of Abstracts, Dortmund, Germany.

Lawrence, B., Kaiser, M. & Hamid, H. (2019): Green and Blue Water Retrofits for Urban Mesopotamia: Case Study Duhok, KRG. In: Sinemillioglu, H., Lawrence, B., Hossain, S. & Gruehn, D. [Eds.]: Spatial Planning in Iraq. A Summary Review of the Planning Education in Iraq (PLIQ) Project. Dortmund International Planning Series 63, pp. 183-211.

Lawrence, B. T. & Younis, S. (2019):  Landscape Planning as a Tool for the Sustainable Future of the Kurdistan Region.  In: Sinemillioglu, H., Lawrence, B., Hossain, S. & Gruehn, D. [Eds.]: Spatial Planning in Iraq. A Summary Review of the Planning Education in Iraq (PLIQ) Project. Dortmund International Planning Series 63, pp. 135-165.

Lippold, M. & Lawrence, B.T. (2019): Soundscape Planning as Tool for Urban Planning.  Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Aachen Germany, September 8-13, 2019. Full Paper.

Moebus, S., Sutcliffe, R., Lawrence, B.T., Ahmed, S., Haselhoff, T. & Gruehn, D. (2019): Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments – The SALVE Project. In: Schrenk, M., Popovich, V., Zeile, P., Elisei, P., Beyer, C. & Ryser, J. [Eds.]: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society,   pp. 859-864.

Poppen, J., Sutcliffe, R., Ahmed, S., Lawrence, B.T., Gruehn, D. & Moebus, S. (2019): Acoustic Quality and Health in Urban Environments – The SALVE Project. In: Gesundheitswesen 81 (08/09): 754.

Sinemillioglu, H., Lawrence, B.T., Hossain, S. & Gruehn, D. [Eds.] (2019): Spatial Planning in Iraq. A Summary Review of the Planning Education in Iraq (PLIQ) Project. Dortmund International Planning Series 63, 276 pp.

Sinemillioglu, H., Hassanpour, J., Lawrence, B.T. & Saeed, B (2019):  Water consumption in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the application of landscape planning as a framework for sustainability and climate change resilience.  Full Paper in the Proceedings of the 1st Mesopotamian Water Forum, University of Sulaimani, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, 6th -8th April, 2019.

Sutcliffe, R., Lawrence, B.T., Poppen, J., Haselhoff, T., Gruehn, D. & Moebus, S. (2019): Acoustic Quality in Urban Environments (SALVE) – preliminary results on the distribution of acoustic environments in an urban area. In: Gesundheitswesen 81 (08/09): 669.

Lawrence, B.T. & Kaiser, M. (2018): Green and Blue Water Retrofits for Urban Mesopotamia: Adapting to the future with traditional land management systems. In: Fakultät Raumplanung (Hrsg.): Die große Transformation. Book of abstracts der 4. Dortmunder Konferenz für Raum- und Planungsforschung, Dortmund, 5-6. Februar 2018: S. 116-117.

Lawrence, B.T., Kopec, J. & Moebus, S. (2018): Urban Soundscape Ecology: A new dimension of soundscape ecology? In: Fakultät Raumplanung (Hrsg.): Die große Transformation. Book of abstracts der 4. Dortmunder Konferenz für Raum- und Planungsforschung, Dortmund, 5-6. Februar 2018: S. 127-128.

Lawrence, B.T. (2017): The County Diagnostic: A regional environmental footprint framework for the USA and a comparative case study application of the County Diagnostic within the US Eastern Deciduous Forest Ecoregion. PhD thesis, School of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University, 299 pp. plus appendix.

Lawrence, B.T., Fromme, J. & Schulte, S.A. (2016): Renewable Energy Independence in the USA: Towards a Sub-Regional Quantitative Evaluation Methodology. In: Schmitt, H.C. et al. [Hrsg.]: Dortmunder Beiträge zur Raumplanung (Blaue Reihe) 147, S. 243-262.

Lawrence, B.T. (2015): Renewable energy  independence in the USA: Myth or potential reality? Towards a sub-regional quantitative evaluation methodology. In: Fakultät Raumplanung (Hrsg.): Raummuster. Struktur, Dynamik, Planung. Book of abstracts der 3. Dortmunder Konferenz für Raum- und Planungsforschung, Dortmund, 22.-23. Februar 2016: S. 82-84.

Keane, T., Kim, Jae Hong. & Lawrence, B.T. (2014): Political Fragmentation in Local Governance & Water Resource Management.  Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2013-2014 Conference; University of Maryland, March 26-29 2014. 

Lawrence, B.T., Sass, C. (2013): The Regional Ecological Footprint of Jackson County Missouri: A Component Approach to Assessing and Managing Flows Between the Anthroposphere and the Ecosphere.  Spaces and Flows: Fourth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, Netherlands June 2013.

Lawrence, B.T. & Sass, C. (2013): Applying ecological footprint methods to calculate the spatially explicit regional ecologocal capacity and demand of Jackson County, Missouri.  Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture 2012-2013 Conference; University of Texas at Austin, March 27-30 2013. 

Lawrence, B.T. (2010): Bringing Social Change and Urban River Restoration Together Through Public Involvement and Spatial Analysis. Water Environment Federation (WEF) Cities of the Future/Urban River Restoration Conference,
Cambridge, Mass. (Full Paper)

Lawrence, B.T. & Schulte, S.S. (2009): Designing with Nature: Applied GIS for Water Resources and Environmental Planning. Americana International Environmental Trade Show and Conference, Montreal QC Canada. (Full Paper)

Schlaman, J. & Lawrence, B.T. (2008): Integrating Green Infrastructure into a CSO Long Term Control Plan. WEF National Conference, Washington D.C. (Full Paper)

Schulte, S.S., Ports, M. & Lawrence, B.T. (2007): Making Kansas City Greener One BMP at a Time. Environment and Water Resources Institute National Conference, Tampa, Florida. (Full Paper)

Lawrence, B.T. & Rolley, S.R. (2005): Recreation Related Degradation in Kansas State Parks, Applying GIS Models. Council for Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) National Conference, Athens, GA. (Full Paper)

Lawrence, B.T. (2005): Recreation Related Degradation in Kansas State PArks: Applying GIS Models.  MLA thesis, Department of Landscape Architecture / Regional and Community Planning, College of Architecture, Planning and Design, Kansas State University, 137 pp.