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Workshop with academics from Daneshpajoohan Pishro Higher Education Institute at the TU Dortmund

20 young academics from Daneshpajoohan Pishro Higher Education Institute DHEI and other universities in Iran have attended a nine-day workshop as part of the three-year DAAD-funded project "Planning in Germany and Iran: Responding to the Challenges of Climate Change through Intercultural Dialogue" at the TU Dortmund. As previous in-person project activities had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic, this workshop could finally take place in Dortmund from November 21 to 28. The 11 research groups of the project elaborated their research on the main topic of the third year of the research project, which deals with the cross-cultural perception of rural and urban world cultural heritage sites in Germany and Iran.

After the welcome and presentation of the DAAD research project and the workshop schedule by Dr. Mais Jafari, Maryam Taefnia and Dr. Amir Samani, the research groups worked on their papers and receive individual feedback over the course of the week. The program was complemented by inputs from Felix Senger, Dr. Ghazal Farjami  and Dr. Mehdi Vazifedoost.

The presentation of the final research papers followed in the last day of the workshop. The diverse results of the research groups will be published in the project second edited book “Intercultural visual Perception of world heritage sites” in 2022, and thus made accessible to an interested public. A final highlight was the city tour visiting cultural heritage and green infrastructure in Dortmund like the former Coking Plant Hansa, the Deusenberg and the Urban gardening project community center of St Urbanus. The field trip was a great opportunity to illustrate the research focus on cultural heritage and climate adaptation on a practical level.

The workshop offered a great opportunity for intercultural exchange about cultural heritage and spatial planning in general and strengthened the close exchange network between the TU Dortmund and the DHEI that has developed over the three years of the project. In addition to fruitful discussions and tangible outputs, the workshop included team-building-and social activities like site visits, city tours and exchange of ideas, impressions, feedbacks and intercultural dialogue.

Contact: Dr. Mais Jafari
