Ongoing Research Projects

Together with the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) and the Institute for Spatial Planning (IRPUD, TU Dortmund University), the project is investigating the extent to which green infrastructures (GI) represent a building block for protecting critical infrastructures (CI) from the negative consequences of climate change. A particular focus is being placed on the CI sectors of health and transport.
The aim of the project is to investigate the extent to which green infrastructure can protect CI facilities and systems from the impacts of climate change and to anchor this in planning instruments.
The Influence of Green Infrastructure on the Urban Acoustic Environment
The project objective is to explore and investigate a broad range of urban and non-urban green infrastructure types to better understand the role of typological and structural factors of GI with regard to functional differentiation of acoustic environments. The work is embedded in basic research because to date the acoustic environment below noise has not been a consideration in spatial planning. Therefore systematic documentation of acoustic environments in non-human habitations where biophonic sound dominates is extremely sparse. We aim to shed light on this data gap in a highly populated European region and develop basic data than can be used for multiple purposes.
Planning in Germany and Pakistan
The project “Planning in Germany and Pakistan: Responding Challenges of Climate Change through Intercultural Dialogue” aims to start and stimulate dialogue between the students and young academics from Germany and the higher education institutes in Pakistan. It targets modernization of teaching, promotion of skill development of young academics, identification of teaching and research areas of shared scientific interest, and establishing networks and cooperation regionally and internationally.
The BMBF funded research project DAZWISCHEN (engl. between) deals with the structural change in the Rheinische Revier between Düsseldorf, Cologne and Bonn in the east and the German-Netherlands border region around Aachen in the west. The project is led by Prof Stefan Greiving (TU Dortmund University, IRPUD). Besides LLP and IRPUD, RWTH Aachen (Lehrstuhl und Institut für Städtebau), infas, Düren, Kreis Euskirchen and Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier are involved.