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Department of Spatial Planning


Together with the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) and the Institute for Spatial Planning (RER, TU Dortmund University), the project is investigating the extent to which green infrastructures (GI) represent a building block for protecting critical infrastructures (CI) from the negative consequences of climate change. A particular focus is being placed on the CI sectors of health and transport.

The aim of the project is to investigate the extent to which green infrastructure can protect CI facilities and systems from the impacts of climate change and to anchor this in planning instruments. Based on the functional and spatial interdependencies to be determined between the CI sectors, and specifically the spatially and functionally concrete protective effects of the individual GI elements, the aim is to

  1. improve knowledge of the resilience-enhancing effect of GI for CI;
  2. the Green Infrastructure Strategy for the Ruhr Metropolis is to be supplemented by objectives relating to the protective function for CI as an ecosystem service;
  3. a targeted prioritisation of the protection and further qualification of those GI elements whose local and systemic importance is decisive for the protection of CI is developed; also in order to be able to define corresponding priority areas in the Ruhr Regional Plan in a factually and spatially determinable manner
  4. initial pilot measures are developed for this purpose and included in the Ruhr Metropolis Green Infrastructure Implementation Programme;
  5. a CI component is developed for the planned resilience check;
  6. and the heat action plan based on the RVR's regional climate measurement network be expanded accordingly.

Project duration: Janurary 2024 – December 2026

Associative Partners:

  • Institute for Spatial Planning (RER)
  • Ruhr Regional Association (RVR)

Contact persons:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiving (Projektleitung, RER)

Prof. Dr. Dietwald Gruehn (LLP)

Jennifer Oriwol (RER)

Matthias Zimny (RER)

Marius Ehrmann (RER)

Johann Neuhard (LLP)

Kai Schröer (LLP)

Sponsor: Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, co-financed by the EU (ERDF/JTF program NRW call Regio.NRW - Transformation)