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Department of Spatial Planning

Dr.-Ing. Mohammad Bashirizadeh

Research Scientist


TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity
Department of Spatial Planning
Research Group Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning

Cam­pus South, GB III, Room 3.301
Au­gust-Schmidt-Straße 10
44227 Dort­mund

Phone:  +49 (0)231 755 8900
Fax:       +49 (0)231 755 4877
E-Mail: mohammad.bashirizadeh(at)

Mohammad Bashirizadeh

Research Interests

  • Optimization in design and planning
  • Computational design
  • Smart and green design and thermal comfort
  • Architectural Design
  • Landscape architecture and design
  • Urban and landscape planning, urban green structure



1998-2002 Secondary School - Mathematics and Physics, Birjand, Iran
2002-2006 Bachelor: Architecture, Shahid Bahonar University Kerman, Iran
2006-2010 Master: Landscape Architecture, Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran
2012-2021 PhD- Landscape Ecology and Planning, Faculty of Spatial Planning , Technical University Dortmund, Germany


Professional experience

2006-2008 Head of architecture department in A. Co. Pars, Tehran, Iran
2006-2010 Project development/management, design, planning, construction management
2009-2011 Head of the department of architecture in Bauberater Takvin GmbH, Tehran, Iran 
2011-2019 Head of the Architecture Department in "Eram Saz Kavir", Birdshand, Iran
Since 2021 Research Assistant, Chair of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning at the Faculty of Spatial Planning, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany


Member of the Construction and Engineering Organization-Tehran (Architektenkammer), as an authorized architect/designer level one.


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